Friday, December 23, 2005

Secret Santa Day

Thursday, December 22nd, 2005
At lunch

People started to stroll into D117 after 3rd hour, all anticipating the fun event ahead. People first put their gifts in a bag and placed it on a table. As it neared the opening time, Jeany and Helen take out all the gifts from their bags and placed them on four desks that are faced each other. People looked at the gifts and wondered who brought who's gift.

As the clock strunk 11am, everyone went to go search for their names on the gifts. Then excitement filled the room... everyone's faces lit up as they opened their gift. Everyone there got into a circle to tell the rest of the group what they got. Each person displayed and described their present in fun adjectives. :) A person would ask from whom they got it and again, a burst of happiness and 'thank yous' took place.

All in all, everyone seemed very delighted with their present. Smiles, giggles, and laughter filled the room. It was a happy day, two days before winter break! :) Now that it is officially break, happy holidays and I hope to see you on Sunday the 8th of January!


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Meeting Minutes--12/8/05

Meeting Minutes--December 8, 2005

*SECRET SANTA gift exchange now in ACTION! Everyone remember your little elfling that you have to buy a present for, because aren't we acting as SANTAS?!! Please remember the limit of $10--it'd be BEST not to go over these ten pesos, but enjoy anything under the limit. We will be doing the Big Gift Swap in two weeks during the meeting--December 22. Oh the joy and fun, it'll be excellent.

*If you haven't paid already, cookie dough money was DUE TODAY! Actually, that may just be

*We don't have too much going on, but remember there are a few volunteering events coming up in January. We also may have a choice to do Food Gatherers over the break, more information on that later (the last outing was not quite successful...).

Minutes taken by Helen.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Meeting Minutes--12/01/05

Meeting Minutes--December 1, 2005

*Group decided on 3-4 people to go to Food Gatherers on Saturday, December 3rd, from 9am-11am (Address: 1 Carrot Way) NOTE: If you would like to participate, please email us at!!! DO SO BEFORE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2ND!!

*Determined that cookie dough arrives TODAY, need to pick it up after 7th hour. Members: go deliver and collect $$money$$ with prompt speed, if you will. Checks made payable to "Maredy Fundraising." (Here's an idea--have one check written from your family to Maredy, and then the people that you collect from make checks to YOU.)

*Tasks to be completed:
- (Helen) Give group volunteer form/volunteer information sheets to Jeany by TOMORROW.
- Finalize who will go to volunteer on Saturday @ Food Gatherers!

Board Meeting Minutes--11/22/05

Board Meeting Minutes--November 22, 2005

*Present members: Elise Low, Jessica Chang, Remi Lam, Mary Armbruster, Tricia Garay, Shirley Chen

*Positions named & designated:
- Community Council: Shirley & Tricia
- Marketing Director: Elise & Mary
- Web Page Designer: Jessica
- Treasurer: Remi

*Next meeting date set: December 20, 2005

*Discussed Lawton volunteering options:
1) Market Day (more info needed)
2) International Day
--> The group would be interested in doing both events

*Email updates:
- Sarah S:
- Mary A:

*Tasks to complete by next meeting:
- Email everyone Food Gatherers information
- Email Missy to confirm December 3rd volunteering

*SECRET SANTA IDEA INTRODUCED!! Yet to be confirmed.

Meeting Minutes

Here you can find the previous Club Meeting Minutes and Board Meeting Minutes.

Club Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


What is Interact?
The Rotary Club sponsors Interact just like how Kwanis sponsors Key Club. Interact is different from Key Club because it's the members who decide what and where to volunteer. Also, Interact is a smaller group so the chances to bond with people are much higher.

What is Rotary?
Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 31,000 Rotary clubs located in 167 countries.

Where do we meet?
In Mr. S's room in D117.

When are the meetings?
Every Thursday during lunch. Here are some meeting minutes.

What do we do?
We go out to volunteer and have fun! Click here to read more specifics.

Sweet! How do I join?
Just come to the meetings that are held in D-117 every Thursday at lunch. All are welcome!

Is there a chance to get out of the US?
Yes! The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Conference (RYLA) is in Canada on a weekend in May. Join Interact to learn more about it. To look at pictures and read about previous Interact members' experience, click here.

Who's who?
Here is the Board of Directors for 2006-07. Dan and Dave are our Rotary Club of Ann Arbor liaisons. They will drop by to see how we're doing. :)

Who can I contact?
You can e-mail: for more information.

Board Members

Here are the Pioneer Interact Board of Directors for the school year 2005-06.

President: Jeany Zhang
Vice President: Ami Li
Secretary: Helen Li
Treasurer: Remi Lam
Community Council: Shirley Chen and Tricia Garay
Marketing Directors: Mary Armbruster and Elise Low
Web Page Designer: Jessica Chang

Brandt Coultas is our Rotary Club of Ann Arbor Liaison.